All prices are in Russian rubles |
Conference fees |
Asia TEFL member/ FEELTA member |
Non-member |
International participants |
10000 (approx.$150) |
12000 (approx.$180) |
Domestic participants |
3000 |
3500 |
Please join Asia TEFL and FEELTA to save on Conference registration fees!
Conference fee should be paid not later than June 15th, 2016.
Conference fee for International Participants includes one copy of the conference program and a conference bag, multimedia equipment rent, 5 coffee breaks, 3 lunches, Cheese and Wine Reception, conference certificate, conference badge, mid-conference social events admissions, and organizing costs.
Conference fee for Domestic Participants includes one copy of the conference program and a conference bag, 5 coffee breaks, Cheese and Wine Reception, conference certificate, conference badge, and organizing costs.
Return of payments made by error
In order to return the payment made by error, you have to fill out and send us ( a Return Claim Statement. The funds will be returned only to the card used for payment. Please write your card number when you fill out the Claim. The funds will be returned within 10 business days on receipt of the properly filled out Returns Claim. The final date of transfer depends on the internal regulations of payment service providers and banks and the transfer can take up to 30 business days.
AsiaTEFL & FEELTA Conference 2016 offers registration online. Registration service for AsiaTEFL & FEELTA Conference 2016 is provided officially by GAZPROMBANK (ГАЗПРОМБАНК). GAZPROMBANK accepts VISA and MasterCard.
Please read step-by-step online payment instruction carefully before registering for the AsiaTEFL & FEELTA Conference 2016. Any questions about payment should be addressed to
The GAZPROMBANK site supports 128-bit inscription. Confidentiality of the personal information provided is assured by the bank. The information provided will not be given to the third parties with an exception of cases reserved by the legislation of the Russian Federation. Plastic cards payment transaction is carried out in strict compliance with the requirements of VISA International and MasterCard WorldWide payment systems.