Learning EFL in the 21st Century Korean Classroom

Title: Flipped Classroom as a Paradigm Shift for Teaching College EFL: A Case Study

The idea of flipped classroom (FC) has been shared by numerous educators worldwide for only a few years, but is rapidly changing all aspects of teaching tradition, from a way of delivering knowledge, to teacher’s identity. The current popularity does not seem to be easily fading because this education trend dovetails with already established concepts and practices in education and society such as multimode literacy, mobile learning, and massive open online courses (MOOC). The early FC studies, mostly, with science and math classes, attended to the remarkable improvement of students’ learning including increased motivation, more active participation, and expanded teacher-student interaction time.

Then will this FC be applicable to second language learning class? If so, what should be flipped and how? In fact, the FC approach is not brand new in EFL, rather, similar efforts of blending technology into L2 class have been reported for decades in many Asian countries including Korea. However, the most essential issue on what and how to flip has not yet been discussed.

The purpose of this study is to introduce the attempts and aspects of FC in Korean EFL and to investigate methods and benefits of employing FC approach into English class. For that purpose, this presentation will highlight two cases of transforming college EFL class from traditional to flipped by quantitatively and qualitatively comparing learning effectiveness. In addition, a syllabus, online contents, and inclass activities used in two FCs will be introduced.